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Scholarship Recipients

The Jospeh B. Mulenga Memorial Teaching Scholarship Program was initiated in 2007 in preparation for the first term (January) of the 2008 school year. These students have been awarded 'full-ride' scholarships to teacher training college in Zambia, Africa. 

Here are some of the students that SEED has supported.

Patricia ChandrA (2024 Recipient)

My name is Chandra Patricia and I am 18 years old. I was born on June 26, 2005 in Lusaka Zambia. My family was a happy and loving family. My father worked as a carpenter, my mother was a house wife. In 2012 my mother’s left leg started swelling. When it got worse my father took her to the hospital. They suggested to amputate the leg as they were suspecting it was cancer and that it would spread to the other leg. Before my parents could decide, the other leg was also affected and they had no choice but to amputate both legs. During this whole period my father was not working for seven months, this caused my family financial problems, so my parents decided we shift from Lusaka to Serenje. Before I could complete my secondary education a tragedy struck my family in 2021. My father was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2021 and a week later he passed away leaving me, my siblings and mother.
      Like every other child has dreams of doing something and becoming someone in life growing up my dream was to become a journalist but as grew older my ambition changed, being inspired by many of my teachers around the world and just knowing that teaching is the source of every other profession. I had wanted to become a teacher.
      Like all teens I have my sad days but am pretty much on the happy side of life. I am not outgoing so most of the time what I do with my friends is go to the library because I love reading and it has been my first hand to most of the things I know.
   All these struggles have taught me to be more focused and determined in life. In future I wish to achieve more than just a certificate. I wish to better my life with hard work and dedication.


Anthony Musonda(2024 Recipient)

My name is Musonda Anthony. I was born on the 21st May, 2006 in Serenje town. In the family of four I am the fourth, I am the last born I had two sisters and one brother all of them passed away, I started school in 2010 at Mulilima to Kashitu village while I was just in grade one. I started schooling at Kashitu primary.
   I was in grade five when the family faced unendurable situation, the day my father passed away on 30th August 2015. I thought everything was over but there was nothing we could do whether or not the option was to move on.
   My mother is from a poor family. Wisely, she took me to register my name under social welfare so that these can pay school fees until am done schooling. 
   By now we are able to live the two of us only because the important thing to do is working extra hard, so we do. My talent is drawing so I use it as a way of gaining money when I draw I sell. Am now looking ahead to see the positive results my hard work will bring now that I am in school.

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Luka Simbeye (2024 Recipient)

My name is Luka Simbeye. I was born on thirty first March, 2000 in Maginga District of Muchinga Province in Kachinda Village. I am from a family of eight other siblings. That is five boys and four girls and I am the first born. My father’s name is Frank Simbeye and mother is Dorca Chilongo. Dad and mom always took care of us. My father could do everything he could for his family’s happiness and our education as children.

      In 2011, my parents separated. Me and three other siblings went to live with my mother and her parents’ home. The only thing I enjoyed was spending time with my grandmother Mary Muwowo. Grandma took a father’s responsibility. She treated us well. She was such a strong woman. I do not know how best to describe her for everything she did for us especially for me as a first born.

      In 2018 I went to the Ndole day secondary school where I did my grade ten to twelve. I was very surprised when I was chosen the headboy in 2021 because I was just a nobody, through pieceworks I completed my grade twelve. On the sad part, I lost my grandma. This occurred in 2021 just after completing my grade twelve. I had good plans for this unique grandma in showing appreciation for everything she did for us. I have learned that the challenges we happen to face, yes they weaken us but eventually the make us strong enough to keep going. I would also like to appreciate everyone who offered me help when I really needed it.

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Rabecca Solochi (2023 Recipient)

My name is Rabecca Solochi, first born of Mwewn Lopi and John Phiri.

I was born in Zambia in the Copperbelt province, Ndola Central Hospital where I did my baby class at Perseverance Community School at the time. 

My mother joined the Zambia police service and during the time she was in training I was accommodated by her distant cousin and when she finished, she and I relocated to the Eastern province, Chama where she got married to Mr. N. Solochi. We lived in Chama for three (3) years when my mother was transferred back to Ndola and at the time I had a step sister who is four years younger than I.

In the year 2017 I was accepted at the University of Zambia School of Education to study Special Education with Geography, but due to funds I was unable to stay at the university and since I was not awarded a scholarship by the government I had no choice but to drop out.

In the year 2018 I gathered some money and I managed to get a sewing machine and a smart phone. Using the smart phone I started learning from you tube classes on how to operate a sewing machine and later how to cut fabric. I turn an interest in fashion and design into a talent and hobby which helped me through the years and the coming years I have hope of making a big shop to help others by teaching and employing.

I currently live with a distant relative in Shiwa Ngandu district where I help with farming and I do tailoring at home.


Barnabas chibuye (2023 Recipient)

I am Barnabas Chibuye aged 20 years. I was born 2003, in Serenje urban hospital of Serenje district Central.

I am the fourth child of the family in this family of six. I am the only one to seat for grade twelve exam and award one certificate. I started my primary education in 2010 at Ipila primary school which locates in Ipila community of Serenje district.

After passing grade nine, I went to Serenje Boma Secondary School for secondary education in the year 2019. In 2020 my life was changed. My mother who used to pay the rent for house died in a road accident on her way to visit me. This made me confused and lose hope of education. Fortunately, when I explained the situation to the head master of this school he understood and kindly offered me a 75% bursary this encouraged me to put more effort or studying and bring up again the hope of education.

Then in 2021 I sat for my grade 12 examination. Luckily I manage to pass in seven subjects which I wrote. After this in January 2022 I went to Ipila primary and started to serve as a community teacher while waiting and looking forward to have a chance of money. Finally in the early of 2023 I heard about SEED and I asked help from them.



I am a second and last born in the family of two. I studied my primary level of education from 2000 to 2007 under the care and sponsorship of my step father Mr. Mwape. I then proceeded my education to the secondary level under their sponsorship at Mupepeto secondary school from 2009 to 2013. I now went back to the village in Chitambo to live and help my old Grandmother to do farming. Since then I have been living with my Grandmother until 2022 January when I was privileged to be part of the SEED scholarship at Malcolm Moffat College of Education.




My childhood education I started school at Mabonde secondary in Chitambo district from grade 1-7, while there I participated in football and school choir. I was on honor roll and received a academic achievement award. Attending Mobonde school helped me to grow academically, in faith and as a person having high moral standards. In grade 8 and 9 I attended  Malwita School in Serenje.

In grade ten and twelve I attended Boma Secondary School and I participated in football and athletics. During my academic years at Boma I was sponsored by Margaret Mulenga from grade 10-12.


joyce chisenga

One of the eraceable impacts that I would bring on students and community as a computer science teacher is to spearhead and advocate for quality education in rural areas. This will be initiated through imparting fundamental computer knowledge and skills to all learners irrespective of the disability, age, and family background. These skills will increase chances of learners to precisely adapt to the modern world of technology and enable them to compete favourably to the socio-economic development of our communities.


Innocent MkanDawire

Being an agriculture science teacher, I will teach the young ones to having good morals and the community at large in order to maintain peace in society. Since many people will develop more interest thereby studying more agricultural related courses because Zambia rely very much on agriculture to feed the nation.

Elisha Kunda

My motive to become a teacher is to facilitate and guide learners during the learning process, act as a role model and help in changing the mindset of students and the community members. Furthermore, my long term career is to become better in teaching mathematics.  My educational goal is to get a PhD in mathematics.

Justin Mulenga

When I competed school it became very difficult for me to go to college. Now last year having faith in God I applied to Malcolm Moffat Teachers Training College of which I was selected to be trained as a teacher in English and Braille. The day I went to see the selected names at the college that’s the day I saw the scholarship advert from SEED. I took this chance and opportunity to apply for scholarship and by Gods grace and favor I was selected to be sponsored by SEED. I also pray that one day I may be able as well to help those that are really in need.


Felisters Kanta


My mother started suffering from a long illness [and it] became difficult for me to continue my education but nevertheless I endured. In grade 12 term one my mother passed away. I finished grade 12 in 2010. Looking for sponsorship I applied to the Joseph B. Mulenga Memorial Teaching Scholarship and God has blessed, I’m adopted. I would like to appreciate SEED for the scholarship. I’m very thankful to have this great joy for you, SEED, to start supporting me at the college level.


Sunny Chisha


I would like to conclude my statement by giving thanks to SEED for introducing this scholarship to this country. Indeed it would have been impossible for me to do study for a teachers primary diploma without this help. I really appreciate you very much, may the good God bless you. Thank you.

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